Below are best unique ideas to Greet Special to your Loved Ones, friends and family people on their Birthday.
Unique Birthday Ideas
4 ways to surprise on the birthday
Play Birthday Song with their Name
1. Call them on the Mid Night of their birthday, and play the Happy birthday song.
There is fantastic website called, in this site you will get list of birthday songs, choose the best one.
And another feature it provides is If your loved name is some Vivek then you can choose Vivek name, and a song with Happy Birthday to Vivek will be played and you can also download it.
Set an Alarm with their Favorite Song and your Message
2. Take your loved ones mobile phone well before 2 or 3 days before their birthday, and keep a Scheduler/Alarm on their birthday date/time, and Put your Greeting Birthday message.
Don’t forget to mention your name this will thrill them a lot too.
Gift Online to their Address
3. Go to some Online Shop and order some Gift and make the shipping date of the gift on their birthday, and now a days most of the online sites provides an option as “Gift to friend” you can choose that and the shipping date also.
Gift a Plant
4. Gift a Plant, and say to plant in the home and let the tree grow, this is very new and also excites them.