Description: Checkout code from file:///home/svn/folder/svnrepos/Branches/BRANCHNAME to /var/www/html/users/
Command: svn co file:///home/svn/ap_project/svn_repos/Branches/BRANCHNAME /home/test/
Description: To get the update from svn
Command: svn update
Description: To add the files to svn
Command: svn add filename.php
Description: To commit the files to svn
Command: svn commit filename1.php filename2.php -m “Mention Why you Changed the file in comments”
Description: To know the info about the repository;
Command: svn info
Description: To create a branch
Command: svn copy file:///home/svn/project/svnrepos/Trunk file:///home/svn/project/svnrepos/Branches/BRANCHNAME/ -m ‘creating a branch for new website’
Description: To delete a branch
Command: svn delete -m “Deleting test branch” file:///home/svn/project/svnrepos/Branches/BRANCHNAME//
Description: To delete the file from the svn repository
Command: svn delete filename.php
Note: After the above command run this : svn commit -m “some comment about the file….”
Description: To get the list of directories and files in svn
Command: svn list file:///home/svn/project/svnrepos/Branches/
Description: To see the revisions
Command: file:///home/svn/project/svnrepos/Branches/BRANCHNAME/
Description: To get the list of new and modified files from your local repository.
Command: svn status