3M: Innovation
7-Up: The uncola
Acura: The road will never be the same
Alka-Seltzer: I can’t believe I ate the whole thing
Allstate Insurance: You’re in good hands with Allstate
American Airlines: Something special in the air
American Express : Don’t leave home without it
Apple: Think different
AT&T: Reach out and touch someone
Audi: Never follow
Avis: We try harder
Bank of America: Higher standards
Barack Obama: Change we need
BMW: The ultimate driving machine
Bounty: The quicker picker-upper
British Airways: The way to fly
Budweiser: The king of beers
Burger King: Have it your way
Cadillac: Break through
California Milk Processor Board: Got milk?
Calvin Klein Jeans: Nothing comes between me and my Calvins
Capital One: What’s in your wallet?
Charmin: Please don’t squeeze the Charmin
Cheez-It: Get your own box
Chevy Trucks: Like a rock
Chevy’s: Fresh Mex
Chrysle:r Inspiration comes standard
Cisco Systems: Empowering the Internet generation
Citi : Live richly
Citgo : There at every turn
Clairol : Does she or doesn’t she?
CNN: The most trusted name in news
Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola refreshes you best
Coors: The silver bullet
Cotton Incorporated: Cotton The fabric of our lives
Covergirl makeup: Easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl
Crest: Healthy, beautiful smiles for life
Delta Airlines: You’ll love the way we fly
Denny’s: We’re cooking now
Dial Soap: Aren’t you glad you use Dial? Don’t you wish everybody did?
Disneyland: The happiest place on earth
Dunkin Donuts: Time to make the doughnuts
eBay: The world’s online marketplace
El Pollo Loco: When you’re crazy for chicken
Energizer Batteries: It keeps going, and going, and going
Ernst & Young: Quality in everything we do
Expedia.com: Don’t just travel Travel right
Fancy Feast: Good taste is easy to recognize
FannieMae: Our business is the American dream
Fedex: Absolutely, positively overnight
Fisher-Price: Play. Laugh. Grow
Ford: Built for the road ahead
FTD: Say it with flowers
General Electric: Imagination at work
Gerber: Shouldn’t your baby be a Gerber baby?
Gillette: Look sharp, feel sharp
GLAD: Don’t get mad, Get GLAD
Goodyear: The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them
Greyhound: Leave the driving to us
Hallmark: When you care enough to send the very best
Hebrew National: We answer to a higher authority
Hertz: Hertz puts you in the driver’s seat
Hewlett Packard: Invent
HJ Heinz: 57 varieties
Hostess Cakes: Where’s the cream filling?
Huggies: We’re behind you every step of the way
IBM: Solutions for a small planet
Intel: Intel Inside
Ivory Soap: Pure clean, pure Ivory
Jack in the Box: Jack’s back!
Jaguar: Don’t dream it. Drive it
Jell-O: America’s most famous dessert
John Deere: Nothing runs like a Deere
JPMorgan Chase Bank: The right relationship is everything
Juicy Juice 100 % juice for 100% kids
Kaiser Permanente: Thrive
Kay Jewelers: Every kiss begins with Kay
Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes: They’re g-r-r-r-eat!
Kellogg’s Smart Start: Start aging smart
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies: Snap, Crackle, Pop
Kentucky Fried Chicken: Finger-lickin’ good!
KFC: Nobody does chicken like KFC
Kix Cereal : Kid tested Mother approved
Kodak: Share moments Share life
KPMG: It’s time for clarity
L’Oréal: Because I’m worth it
Lay’s Potato Chips: Betcha can’t eat just one
Life Cereal : Hey, Mikey he likes it!
Listerine: Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride
Lucky Charms: Magically delicious
Lucky Strike: Lucky Strike means fine tobacco
M&Ms: Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
Marlboro: Come to Marlboro Country
MasterCard: There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else there’s MasterCard.
Maxwell House: Good to the last drop
Mazda: Passion for the road
McDonald’s: I’m lovin’ it
Meow Mix: Tastes so good cats ask for it by name
Metropolitan Home: Mode for your abode
MGM: MGM means great movies
Michelin: Because so much is riding on your tires
Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
Miller Beer: It’s Miller time!
Miller Lite: Tastes great, less filling
Mitsubishi Motors: Wake up and drive
Morton Salt: When it rains, it pours
Motrin: Medicine with muscle
Mountain Dew: Do the Dew
NBC: Must see TV
Nestles Butterfinger: Break out of the ordinary
Nike: Just do it
Nikon: At the heart of the image
Nintendo Wii: Wii would like to play
Nissan: Enjoy the ride
NyQuil : The nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine
Office Depot: Taking care of business
Old Spice: The mark of a man
Pace Picante Sauce: Grab the Southwest by the bottle
Pacific Southwest Airlines: Catch our smile
Packard: Ask the man who owns one
Panasonic: Slightly ahead of its time
Pepperidge Farm: Pepperidge Farm remembers
Petco: Where the pets go
Planter’s Peanuts: Famously fresh
Polaroid: The fun develops instantly
Prudential : Get a piece of the rock
Quaker Oatmeal: Something to smile about
Quiznos: M’m, m’m, m’m, m’m, m’mtoasty!
Qwest: Spirit of service
Qwest: Ride the light
Radio Shack: You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers
RAID: RAID kills bugs dead
Redbull: It gives you wings
Safeway: Ingredients for life
Saturn: A different kind of car company
Secret Deodorant: Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman
Smucker’s : With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good
Snapple: Made from the best stuff on Earth
Southwest Airlines: You are now free to move about the country
Sprite: Obey your thirst
Staples: That was easy
Subway: Eat fresh
Taco Bell: Think outside the bun, You quiero Taco Bell
Target: Expect more. Pay less
Tide: If it’s gotta be clean, it’s gotta be Tide
Toyota: Get the feeling
Trix Cereal: Silly rabbit, trix are for kids
Tylenol : It’s hospital recommended
United Airlines: Fly the friendly skies
Unocal: The spirit of 76’
UPS: What can Brown do for you?
Verizon Wireless: We never stop working for you
VISA: It’s everywhere you want to be
Visine: Visine gets the red out
Volkswagen: Drivers wanted
Walmart: Save money. Live better
Wells Fargo: The next stage
Wheaties: The breakfast of champions