IF you are investing in HDFC Mutual fund then Now you can Transact via WhatsApp to know your MF Transactions like Purchase, SIP and Redeemption. Statement of accounts like capital gains, account statement and Portfolio valuation, and also you can update your Email, Mobile and Date of birth details in your MF account.
HDFC Mutual Fund WhatsApp Number
From your registered mobile number with the HDFC MF account Just send “Hi” to HDFC MF WhatsApp Number 8270682706.
How to Activate HDFC MF WhatsApp
or you can also use the below direct link to get started using HDFC MF WhatsApp Service.
Upon sending you will get a reply on your WhatsApp number like below.
Hi, Welcome to HDFC MF WhatsApp Service! By continuing, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of this service given in the link below,
Type the below number on WhatsApp to know your desired information.
1. Correction
2. Statement of Account
3. Status check
4. Financial transactions
5. FAQs
HDFC MF WhatsApp Number
For Example, if you want a Statement of Account then type 2, you will get reply like below.
Hdfc Mf: What kind of statement do you want?
1. Portfolio Valuation
2. Capital Gain Statement
3. AMC Specific Account Statement
4. Main Menu
If you want to know Portfolio Valuation then Type 1, HDFC MF whatsapp bot will reply like below.
Please enter your 10 digit PAN e.g.: AAAPG1234C
then follow further steps to know the details you want.
PS: This is available only for ‘Resident Individual’ with mode of holding as Single / Anyone or Survivor.
Note: HDFC MF WhatsApp service is free of charge for HDFC MF customers.
You can also check this Dial 8506936767 to Know your HDFC Mutual Fund Balance Investment by a missed call.