Karur Vysya Bank KVB SMS Banking Service Number 9244770000 or 56161
Karur Vysya Bank SMS Banking

Karur Vysya Bank KVB SMS Banking Service Details

If you are a Karur Vysya Bank KVB customer then using SMS service you can know your VB account balance, Transaction, Cheque status enquiry, activation of e-Statement and other various services through KVB SMS Enquriy.

KVB SMS Banking

Using your registered mobile number you need to do below SMS enquiries, check below for Keywords and its usages.


You need to send sms to 09244770000 or 56161 using below Format/Keyword. To register for KVB at Mobile facility send sms with keyword KVBREG.

For Balance Enquriy

Keyword: KVBBAL

Example: KVBBAL and send sms to 9244770000

For Transaction Enquriy

Keyword: KVBTXN

Request Cheque Book

Keyword: KVBCHR

For Cheque status enquiry

Keyword: KVBCHQ

Request to stop the payment of a cheque.

Keyword: KVBCHS

For Term Deposit Enquriy

Keyword: KVBTDQ

To change default account number

Keyword: KVBACC

For any help use keyword Help

Karur Vysya Bank KVB SMS Banking Service Number 9244770000 or 56161

Below are Keywords for Activation / De-activation of e-statement and Physical Statement for KVB Savings/current bank account.

How to Activate KVB e-Statement?

You can activate e-Statement of your KVB account by SMS.

Keyword: KVBESTAT xxxx REG

For De-Activation of e-Statement

Keyword: KVBESTAT xxxx DEREG

For Activation of Physical Statement

Keyword: KVBSTAT xxxx REG

Where xxxx – denotes the Account Number customer.