If you have a Kotak bank credit card then by just giving a missed call you can know your Kotak Credit Card updates instantly, all you have to do is just give a missed call from your registered mobile number with the credit card.
Kotak Credit Card Missed Call Number
Give a missed call to 1800 274 0330 and know your Kotak Credit Card updates instantly.
By using the Kotak Credit Card Missed call service you can details like below.
1. Know your Kotak Credit card Available Credit limit.
2. Credit Card total outstanding
3. Amount Due As On last statement
4. Minimum Amount Due As On last statement
5. Last Credit card paid Received Date and amount
6. Credit Card amonunt due date
7. Any Remaining Outstanding.
Note: Kotak Mahindra Credit Card Missed Call Number 18002740330 Service is free of charge for Kotak customers.