If you are an HDFC bank customer then by sending an sms from your registered mobile number you can know your Account Balance details, Mini Statement, Cheque Status, Internet Banking password (IPIN) regeneration, and other details. Check below how to use HDFC SMS Banking service.
HDFC SMS Banking
To start using HDFC SMS Banking service you need to register first, follow the below format for HDFC SMS Banking Registration.
Format: Register (Last 4 digits of customer ID) (Last 4 digits of the account number)
Example: Register 2907 9558 and send SMS to 7308080808.
HDFC Bank SMS Banking Number is 7308080808
HDFC Bank SMS Banking Service List
Balance Enquiry
Cheque Book Request
Account Statement Request
Recent 7 Days Transactions
FD Summary
Debit Card Dispute
Personal Loan
Auto Loan
Business Loan
Consumer Durable Loan
Credit Card Reward Points
Convert Big Spends To EMI
Credit Card Dispute
FastTag Registration
Open Fixed Deposits
Insurance – LI & GI
Nomination Update
PAN Update
Address Change
Form 15 G/H
To start using HDFC Bank SMS Banking you need to send an SMS to 7308080808 in the below Keyword format and you will receive a response in the form of a text message instantly.
You can send sms in English or in Hindi Format, see below.
For Balance Enquiry:
Keyword: Type – bal and send sms to 7308080808
Example: bal to 7308080808
You will get sms of the available balance in the accounts (up to 5) linked to your Customer ID.
For Mini Statement:
Keyword: txn
Type txn and send sms to 7308080808
For Cheque Status Enquiry:
Keyword: cst (6 digit cheque number)
To Stop an issued cheque:
Keyword: stp (6 digit cheque number)
For Account Statement:
Keyword: stm
For Internet Banking password (IPIN) regeneration:
Keyword: ipin
Upon sending sms the IPIN is sent to your mailing address.
For Fixed Deposit Enquiry:
Keyword: fdq
Upon sending sms you get details of the current fixed deposit with the bank. Sms says your account no., principal amount, rate of interest, maturity date and maturity amount.
For Bill Details:
Keyword: bil
To Change of Primary Account:
Format: new (14 digit account no)
HDFC Bank Hindi SMSBanking
Below are Hindi keywords for HDFC SMS Banking:
For Balance details: ब
For लेनदेन विवरण: त
For account statement: स
and send sms to 7308080808
HDFC Bank SMS Banking Registration
Using Netbanking:
Log in to your HDFC netbanking using Cust ID and IPIN
Click on SMSBanking Registration
Fill in the required details and Submit.
Visit any HDFC ATM, Insert your HDFC ATM card
Enter your ATM PIN
Go to More Options Tab on the Home Page
Register for Mobile Banking
Note: HDFC sms banking is free of charge, however, your mobile network may charge for sending sms to 7308080808, it depends on your mobile tariff.